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Mestre Brancão


My name is Antonio Oliveira and I was born in Portugal in the city of Lisbon in 15-11-1975.
The first time I saw capoeira was on the beach where some capoeiristas were doing some movements and techniques that fascinated me.
After a small talk, I learned that I could learn capoeira in Chapitô with a teacher named Claúdio. I quickly went there and signed up.
Over time, my need to deepen my knowledge of capoeira was getting bigger and bigger.  Over time, my need to deepen my knowledge of capoeira was getting bigger and bigger.
The Brazilian school, for reasons I did not know, left the place where I was training, but one of the teachers founded his own group, in the same place, where I kept practising until I left the group.
All these years of Capoeira made me not agree with many things that happened in some capoeira groups. It was from this disagreement that I decided in 1998 to form my own group, Capoeira Beija-Flor.

With the support of Mestre Mário Coelho, known in capoeira as Mestre Come-Gato, I created a group with which I identify more in the way of being and in which I believe the most.

Since 1998 I try to develop a serious and suitable job, fulfilling all the traditional fundamentals of capoeira, respecting the work of all and hoping that mine is respected in the same way.

This way, today I feel like a lucky person. I know I lead a fabulous group. I know that I can count on the support of several mestres, who above all are friends, and students, who over the years have accompanied me and helped make the Beija-Flor Group, the group where all the capoeiristas would like to be.

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